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Introducing the OM-1

We sent five OM SYSTEM Ambassadors from around the world out with our much anticipated OM-1 camera. Here they tell the story of their adventures.

Ben Knoot shares his passion for bird photography and the new higher burst speeds and focusing; Michaela Skovranova is taken aback by what the increase in ISO range will bring to her nature shoots; Hannu Huhtamo looks forward to the faster processing for his light painting; Alvaro Sans looks at the big advances in video performance and Chris Eyre-Walker really tests the new IP53 weatherproofing.

Ben Knoot : In Pursuit of the Moments Hidden

Alvaro Sans: In Pursuit of Stories Untold 

Chris Eyre-Walker: In Pursuit of Paths Unknown

Michaela Skovranova: In Pursuit of Majesty

Hannu Huhtamo: In Pursuit of the Unseen

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