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Picture of the monthWinner picture
E-M1MarkIII | |
M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14 |
E-M1MarkIII | |
M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-14 |
I chose this photo because it has an interesting storyline. There is a beautiful winter atmosphere with an excellent light and the use of excellent Olympus technology stands out in the photos.
The winter holiday season is around again but rather than limit you to a purely seasonal theme, we would like you to use your imagination. Go close, go wide, the choice is yours and it can include people, wildlife or be entirely abstract. This could be great chance to test our legendary weather proofing and make the most of the system's other clever technlogy like double exposure for example. Why not try something new to see if you grab a frame that tells the story?