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Mount Snowdon (Crib Goch)

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  • Good shot, which fits great with the topic. A nice view with dramatic sky, emphasised by a good contrast (b/w and sharp/smooth).

    This morning something strange happened. I looked out of the window and something like a bright point in the sky shined on me. It's still there an it lightens up everthing around. Older people say it's called sun :-) It feels very good after the last grey weeks. Wish you good luck for the contest and a nice weekend.

  • How interesting, were you able to capture this in any way?

    I recently watched a photographer on BBC breakfast news explain how he captures images of the moon. This was relating to the recent blue moon. I think any brightness is welcome this time of year we've had dull grey overcast days, temperatures dropping and possible snow next week. Mind you, our news channels make a real deal out of a few centimetres then you see the USA getting it in feet. I imagine Germany deals with it better. Thank you for you're vote and kind compliments have a good weekend too.

  • Wow, great view! The bird on the left enriches the composition, compliments.

  • Thank you Filippo, the bird flew in at just the right time.

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