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Picture of the monthWinner picture
E-M1MarkII |
E-M1MarkII |
The winning picture convinced me because the picture looks very natural, very unobtrusive. The children look very familiar with each other, almost like siblings or just like - good friends. Their friendly, somewhat mischievous look into the camera lets the viewer guess that the two will probably do a lot more ...
I also do not have the impression that the children have been "forced" into this photo, everything seems light, easy and relaxed. The close image detail, the perfect light and the discreet colors make this photo a real highlight.
True friendship is one of the most valuable things in life: It can help you get through the difficult times and make the good days even brighter. That’s why, this month, we want you to capture the variety that friendship offers in our Picture of the Month Contest. And don’t forget that friendship knows neither shape nor size. Be creative and show us what true friendship is all about!