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Untouchable Horizon / Midnight-Sun in Norway
Blende 18.2

MyOMSYSTEM picture description and tags
Norway / Lofoten - Eggum Beach 1.03h - Just before the Midnight-Sun reaches it's lowest point and then starts rising again, without even touching the horizon. Standing alone on that beach, in the middle of the night, waiting for that perfect moment was just a beautiful experience.


  • Amazing picture, this is landscape photography! Waiting for the shot you have in mind and then capturing the best light...compliments and good luck for the contest!

  • Thank you Filippo,

    that Lofoten trip was actually the first time I really concentrated on landscape shots and researched the locations and everything. The image was captured with the high-res mode of the E-M1 II and it's actually 2  high-res exposures combined.

    So, the original file is 300dpi with 7729x10305 pixels.

    (love it, that the equipment is able to take these shots, the print out on my wall is just sweet)

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