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Sonne für die Tonne - "The strange light returns"

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  • Welcome back, hope all is well with you and hope you enjoyed summer.

    This is a great capture with good mood and lighting detail also looks very natural, I wish you the best of luck in this contest, it is a good entry.

    Yes, the nights are drawing in and the shops are putting out Christmas stock!!! I must admit it was a good summer where the warmth and sunshine were both consistent, my only objection was that it stayed too hot at night. But it was good  for the Vitamin D levels!

    We finally did it and purchased the EM1 MK II. My wife was instantly impressed having watched a youtube video when I showed her the differences between full frane and MFT. I didn't argue nor object when she decided we were visiting our local photo retailer. We got a great deal with the battery grip offer. Currently using excisting lenses at present, unless she decides upon another

    Thank you for your recent comment and hope you have a great week.

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