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Reeperbahn, Hamburg-St. Pauli

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  • Ich finde es nicht schön, dass Du Menschen mit Deinen Fotos so bloss stellst!!! Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Du sie gefragt hast, ob Du sie fotografieren darfst und die Bilder veröffentlichen. Das ist respektlos gegenüber diesen Leuten, höre bitte damit auf, solche Bilder zu zeigen, Gittifee
  • forgive me if I try to help you further, but you immediately judge from a projecting attitude of your own oppression and personality; you don't notice that. You are actually communicating what you feel, nothing more. This burdens the maker. What you are doing here is what you are accusing the maker of doing. You don't even ask the maker why he acts this way. Moreover, the recordings of/with people do not even have a personal purpose. Trans-personal philosophy. Take a look at photo history worldwide and discover why photography could be done this way. Then a new horizon opens up... We can't all keep 'depicting' sweet cats, dogs, birds and flowers...
  • People, and all other elements in the frames are treated equally; in this artistic study of our being here during live. Besides that, I experience the photos as very compassionate, daring, exposing themselves as the maker to intimacy. the work does not exude a derogatory, distant attitude towards people. You cannot portray people in any other way than spontaneously, unsolicited, because if you do, the entire effect of it disappears and you get a fake, unnaturally staged pose... and we don't want to see that at all, all those illusory lies.. I hope that this has given you a different perspective to look at this work differently, because it is head and shoulders above the rest on this platform. And if you can take this non-judgmental perspective, I hope it has opened a window of light for you. I would say it's an opportunity to grab with both hands... I wish you all the space you need to find it. I didn't mean to reprimand you either.
  • Furthermore, the confession from myself in the recognition of your feelings... I also had that in the past when I looked at this kind of work. And had a lot to overcome. I mainly succeeded in this by putting myself very precisely in the shoes of the maker... what is it like to work like this, which humane values ​​are actually present, etc. Then that judgment and attack based on what is or is not on the surface disappears? 'should', so-called 'correct behavior'. Which, to be honest, is prompted by your own need for protection and safety. It turns out to be a facade... We all recognize that, no one excepted. However, beyond these slow first steps out of our cocoon, there is a whole new area to discover and enter... And I wish you all the courage to try, because an inner reward awaits...
  • Since, after my response, I notice some mild resentment within myself about feeling an 'accusation', I will admit that I also felt personally confronted to some extent. This allows us to see what this own attempt at defense, clarification and trying to do justice to... causes in someone. Noting that I myself am also partly in line with what you were trying to mirror. And that it takes mindfulness to free ourselves from this. To break out of the prison of one's own unconscious... so I myself have left some work to do also.
  • Anonymous
    I would like to thank you very much, good RobDeciduous treefor your sympathy and the empathetic description of a negative attitude, that immediately comes over us when we have the feeling that a person is being exposed against their will. This is the hostility that street photographers have to reckon with time and again. The accuser is usually not the "exposed" person themselves, but someone who feels they have to defend them in the name of personal rights. You practically become a witness to an "injustice" being committed and if you were the person affected yourself, you would protest angrily and possibly accuse the perpetrator. Added to this is the fact, that some people believe they are not photogenic and therefore strictly oppose being portrayed. Unfortunately, this reflex is not so easy to get out of people's heads; not even in the name of artCameraFortunately, as a street photographer you can invoke "artistic freedom", but when those being photographed protest, it is always difficult.
  • another funny consideration; ..Gittifee & UschiS, did you ask the flowers, the insects, birds etc first to take a picture ? or.. is that a 'stupid' question ? irrelevant ? Or, as I read the pictures of you both, as they breath also empathy, respect and fascination with the objects.. or are they also being victemized by photography ? Interesting to consider/reflect upon that comparison; seriously.
  • Anonymous
    Oh, you thought of that question too, good RobDeciduous treeI refrained from asking it, because for "normal" people such a question is ridiculous! Animals have no personal rights in this sense. Especially not when they are on the menuMeat on boneAnimals can also be killed for "normal" people if their appetite craves meat. But that's just our human shortcomings: we get outraged if it affects us in any way; but if something has to be done that promotes our wishes, even if it involves killing, we tend to overlook it. But I will not get involved in such a time-wasting discussion here ....
  • I think what is shared here is quite elementary and I do not experience it as a discussion
  • maybe interesting to study this ? Non-judgemental..

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