We all have these days where for no specific reason, out of the blue, completely unexpectedly - we look horrible. Yes, there is the official bad hair day that we all know too well but I am talking about one of these days where you get up, look in the mirror and just think to yourself “why do I look so horrible today?”. And the worst thing is that - there is nothing you can do about it! You put your make-up on the same way you always do, same products, same everything. But for some reason, nothing seems to work! It’s not because you haven’t slept enough or because you tried a new face mask, it’s simply one of these days where you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.
Good news! It’s all in our heads – everyone else that day will not even notice any slight changes about your looks because it is just how we see ourselves. Okay fine, you might not be convinced right now but trust me: act normal, be yourself and try not to think about it – your mojo will come right back to you!

In case that does not work: put your favourite outfit on for a self-confidence boost, grab your high heels for that extra sexy-feeling, dare to finally make use of that newly bought lipstick and showcase your talents!
Use your favourite Art Filter and take a great picture of yourself. If the Art Filters won’t work for you, use the Monochrome Art Filter. Small tipp: Use the Black and white function, they mostly look better.
If none of these suggestions work, then there is only one last thing to do: Turn your phone off, put your favourite movie on and most importantly: Bra off. Hair up. Sweats on.
