Dear PEN Generation – we wish you a magical, beautiful and most importantly hearty Christmas with your family, your loved ones and your friends. Are you already up since morning helping your parents decorate the Christmas tree, baking cookies or preparing a feast for dinner? Or are you the last-minute Christmas shopper that strolls around the shopping streets trying to find the perfect gift early on Christmas evening?
Families all around the world have their own traditions on how to celebrate Christmas! What are yours? How do you celebrate Christmas and where? Going skiing and escaping your daily routine? Visiting family members on the other side of the country or even abroad? Watching Christmas movies all day in your pyjamas with your parents and your siblings?
Christmas is naturally gifting time! Or is it not?
Traditions all over Europe show that the opening of the gifts happens on different days, at different times and at a different rate. Does everyone have a gift for everyone or did you pick a name beforehand and therefore only have to get a gift for one person only? Is there is price limit? Do you open gifts tonight after the delicious Christmas feast or early in the morning tomorrow while enjoying a family breakfast?

Whether you sing along while playing ‘ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTAS’ or ‘SANTA BABY’, drink hot chocolate with pieces of marshmallows, build a ginger bread house or drive around your city to look at Christmas light - share it with the community by posting your favourite Christmas moment today, using #olympus_pengeneration!
~Let the magic begin – it is the season to sparkle~