Hi there! First, please let me introduce myself. I am Pauline, 33 years-old, blogger since 2009. I am French, and I love my country, but my husband and I decided 5 years ago to leave France. We always love to travel and we realised while we were erasmus students that living in a country is the best way to discover it.
A few years later, we imagined how great it would be to make our life a travel by moving to different countries not only as tourists but as "expats". I quit my job, my husband looked for a job abroad and that's how we spent two amazing and crazy years in New York City and one fabulous year in Switzerland (at the beginning of which I got pregnant). We now live in Mainz, Germany since one year and a half, with our little boy.

Mainz is not very well-known internationally, but it should be more! Ok, it's not New York or Paris, for sure, but it's a very cute little city that's worth visiting. What I like above all about Mainz is that the cute town centre (the "Altstadt") is very colourful and mostly pink! From the cathedral to most official buildings, you can find this beautiful shade of dusty pink that makes you see "la vie en rose". I never go to the town centre without my OLYMPUS PEN camera, not only because it's a beautiful fashion accessory that matches my animal print shoes perfectly, but also because I love taking pictures of this cute pink city.

But Mainz is not only a pink city. As a new mother, I appreciate every day that Mainz is a great city to enjoy with a child. You can take long walks along the Rhein which is beautiful, especially at sunrise for those who don't fear an early wake-up. There are many parks in Mainz, which are even more beautiful at this time of the year, during the fall season, with the yellow and orange trees losing their leaves.

The Volkspark is the biggest but my favourite is the Botanical Garden.
During weekdays, there are many people as it's located in the university campus, but on week-ends, you almost have the park to yourself, which is great!

Mainz also offers many little cute restaurants to brunch or to have a burger with friends. My favourite burger in Mainz is "HANS IM GLÜCK", the one with avocado of course. I like that you can eat outside where there is plenty of room to fit a stroller...! As far as the "little cute cafés" are concerned, Mainz has its share! Go to Dicke Lilli, Gutes Kind or to Anna Batterie, for a "Kaffee und Kuchen" (coffee and cake) and great deco inspiration.
Whenever you come to Mainz, you know what to do and where to eat!
And don't forget to bring your OLYMPUS PEN camera to snap good pictures of your weekend!