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Dive (B)Log


Dive Blog

The idea of the Dive Blog is to provide you the newest stories, to show you breathtaking places and images taken by our Visionaries on their latest trips. All of them travel all around the world to find the next amazing dive spot and of course also to take the next incredible shot under the surface! Get inspired for your next trip!

  • Cabilao – Small island, big impression

    The soft current is taking our hand and guides us along the edge of the reef. Our eyes wander towards a gorgonian the size of a hand. There! One, two, three, … six, seven! We are counting seven pygmy seahorses in the narrowest space – si...

    • This post has 0 Likes, 8 Comments and 1236 views
  • So what is a nudibranch?

    My fascination with Bali will never end. So, here is another story about one of my favourite dive spots. During the first blog posts we focused on Bali’s healthy corals and overgrown wrecks. This time we are going to stick our nose in the sand and get to know some of the most colorful and fascinating creatures of the underwater world – the nudibranchs. So what is a nudibranch? The fondly called “nudi” belongs to the...

    • This post has 5 Likes, 0 Comments and 1262 views
  • 5 Dive Spots to put on your bucket list

    There are countless wonderful dive spots around the world - some small, some big, some famous, some very hidden. We want to know them all. Get inspired by these 5 famous dive spots to put on your bucket list and share YOUR most favourite spot in a comment below. You might be lucky and win a Tough! TG-4 Fisheye Kit! Good luck!

    • This post has 56 Likes, 389 Comments and 17736 views