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Dive (B)Log


Dive Blog

The idea of the Dive Blog is to provide you the newest stories, to show you breathtaking places and images taken by our Visionaries on their latest trips. All of them travel all around the world to find the next amazing dive spot and of course also to take the next incredible shot under the surface! Get inspired for your next trip!

  • Diving in Cenotes – know what you’re in for

    Diving is exciting. Diving is adventurous. And diving is not always a fun only activity. This is especially true when you are brave enough to face one of the most challenging diving spots there are: Cenotes. Diving in cenotes is something for the real pros – and so is taking underwater pictures in cenotes for that matter. But let’s start at the beginning …

    • This post has 2 Likes, 0 Comments and 1972 views
  • Diving with dragons – almost...

    The republic of Indonesia consists of more than 17.000 islands, and is located in the golden triangle when it comes to biodiversity. To say that this widespread country is a heaven for divers is an understatement. At this magical place, which is stretching 5.120 km from east to west, and 1.760 km from north to south, you can find pretty much everything you want when it comes to encounters underwater.

    • This post has 1 Likes, 0 Comments and 2163 views