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Dive (B)Log


Dive Blog

The idea of the Dive Blog is to provide you the newest stories, to show you breathtaking places and images taken by our Visionaries on their latest trips. All of them travel all around the world to find the next amazing dive spot and of course also to take the next incredible shot under the surface! Get inspired for your next trip!

  • Cenote Diving with a Mexican Mermaid

    Where the ocean meets the sky, where giant sea monsters control the waters and where pirates bury their treasures – this is where we maybe find the mermaids that so many old salts talk about when the light of day fades and the senses are fooled...

    • This post has 0 Likes, 0 Comments and 2335 views
  • Light is the key

    Every time  I write an article for any of the magazines I collaborate with and  whenever I prepare a presentation on underwater photography, each and every time that I’ve written the word "LIGHT", I’ve done it in capit...

    • This post has 3 Likes, 0 Comments and 2176 views