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Dive (B)Log


Dive Blog

The idea of the Dive Blog is to provide you the newest stories, to show you breathtaking places and images taken by our Visionaries on their latest trips. All of them travel all around the world to find the next amazing dive spot and of course also to take the next incredible shot under the surface! Get inspired for your next trip!

  • The great white shark !!

    On my second trip to Guadeloupe I wanted to capture the behaviour of the great white shark in my pictures. With the help of my results as well as the information provided by the scientists who work with these animals, I wanted to explain or rather express the importance that these special animals have in the ecosystem and show what is being done to protect them.

    • This post has 8 Likes, 5 Comments and 81466 views
  • Bangka’s colourful nursery

    Our dive guide is raising his hand, his little finger separated and slightly curved. Clearly a signal for pygmy seahorses. But his following signals cannot be interpreted by anyone. Dolfye is raising both his hand directly in front of our masks, all ...

    • This post has 1 Likes, 7 Comments and 5190 views