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Dive (B)Log


Dive Blog

The idea of the Dive Blog is to provide you the newest stories, to show you breathtaking places and images taken by our Visionaries on their latest trips. All of them travel all around the world to find the next amazing dive spot and of course also to take the next incredible shot under the surface! Get inspired for your next trip!

  • Photography on ship wrecks

    The Red Sea (Egypt) is one of the seas where you will find the most ship wrecks , both war ships and merchant ships. The great amount of ship traffic, dating back to the time of the pharaohs, the difficult navigation due to the multitude of shallow c...

    • This post has 4 Likes, 7 Comments and 70369 views
  • The World Oceans Day 2019

    Gender and Ocean – how are these two connected? Not at all – you might think. Quite much, however, is the answer. Gender and Ocean is this year’s topic for the World Oceans Day. Celebrate this day with us, find out more about why th...

    • This post has 567 Likes, 739 Comments and 36248 views