Geraint is an OM SYSTEM Abassador. He is an award winning, professional wildlife macro photographer and tutor, an insect’s best friend, vegan and cake addict.
Growing up in the beautiful Welsh valleys his days were often spent with his younger brother exploring the outdoors and searching for bugs, slow worms and other mini beasts. This is where he found his deep love and appreciation of nature and wildlife.
In 2010 he purchased his first DSLR and began his journey into the world of photography. A year later he was a working commercial photographer with a wide range of clients but in 2016 he decided to follow his heart and became a full-time nature photographer specialising in insect photography.
Macro photography is his way of sharing with others the amazing creatures and plant life that often goes overlooked and he does so with the welfare of the subject as a priority. All his subjects are photographed as and where they are found with no physical manipulation or harm.
Geraint’s photographs have been used by The BBC in calendars and magazines and can be seen in various photographic magazines and
online articles. His work is featured in regular exhibitions, at which he loves nothing more than chatting about photography and his subjects.
He has been fortunate to have received highly commended awards in both 2016 and 2017 Outdoor Photographer of The Year’s “small world” category with images published in both portfolio books with his photograph displayed at the prestigious photo show at the NEC.
Geraint Was Awarded running up in the BWPA, botanical britiain category for his imahe "Snow Globe"
Following an Olympus pro loan, he now uses the OM-D E-M1 Mark III combined with the Olympus 60mm macro and an Olympus Fl900r with a Cygnustech diffuser,which he believes is the perfect combination for macro photography and finds “mobility and flexibility combined with the many features within the camera have had a significant impact” on his image making and print quality.