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Bonding through a street

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Most of the time a street is only a place where we rush through to get to the next job, the next appointment. But sometimes we finde something unique, once we step outside of our houses. Sometimes a street brings us together with people we otherwise wouldn't meet, people who make our life richer..


  • I have nothing against those musicians who make money on the street. Moreover, this guy in the photo looks happy and content. But I myself am always very worried about my prospects at work. I'm scared that I might get fired. Where would I go in this case? I'm not sure I can give an answer.
  • I'm not a professional in photography, I just try to read the atmosphere of a frozen moment in time. As for working on the street, I believe that this is an honest choice of that guy. I see a lot of street musicians in Toronto, as well as mimes, street artists and other creative mavericks. But I never forget that our economy rests on ordinary workers. And here there is a small problem. Canada's policy on attracting foreign specialists is in effect. Competition for good vacancies is increasing. The ordinary worker must study how to find a job in toronto, finding job in toronto - People no longer neglect temporary vacancies. I am lucky in that I can work remotely as an IT specialist. But there are many common professions in the country. I apologize for the emotional post...

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