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Am Falkensteiner Ufer, Blankenese, Hamburg; 03/22

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  • queut nice situation, but I have some minor doubt with the framing, which I find disturbing.. To me it feels as if there might have been some more street at the right bottom, creating a bit more balance with the air part. To me feels now like the hole is turning towards the left, because the vertical line in the trees are a bit diagonal now... A bit unsatisfactory now, because this scene is especially interesting. But let me ask for your opinion on this ?
  • Anonymous
    Well, good Rob, our well-known dilemma! We certainly have different perceptions of images ..... 25 years ago, I myself would have complained about the foreground on the left being cropped. Nowadays there is no alternative to give the foreground more space ..... basta cosi! But I offer an alternative version to your assessment:
  • fine M. that you offer a 2nd version.. it's me speaking out, all says something about me. There are beautiful situations I sometimes encounter, where it seams almost impossible to 'get' the best result out of that promising situation. Here appears 1 for me. Sometimes difficult to get The satisfaction out of it. Both images have something interesting. (don't know what you mean by 'foreground on the left being cropped'..) but I can share something I'd encountered more often.. some photo's need their time to arise within. Some are clear hits at first look, others need to develop... Ich muss mahl ofter shauen denk ich mir.
  • Anonymous
    Thank you, good Rob, for your reflections. It was simply not an option for me to include more foreground in the image, hence the bold crop. Very often I discard a photo when editing it on the computer because I don't like the proportions, for example. As you are telling, so have I also experienced, that some pictures need more time to "mature" .... ja, man muß öfter schauen ....

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