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Falkensteiner Ufer 101, Blankenese, Hamburg; 04/22

MyOMSYSTEM picture description and tags


  • I had the idea to reduce the contrast in my " Site b " photo, because I'll found it too harsh. And before I could change, I'll see here why it is better to do so.. killing me softly
  • Anonymous
    RoflRoberta Flack sang this wonderful soul balladMusical keyboardKilling me softly with his song ..... what a beautiful song! But your "site b" is just right in terms of contrast! Unless you have - like me - a preference for a soft image impression. Sometimes I like this very much (that's why you rarely see "crashing, deep blacks" in my black and white shots), like in this picture. Your "Site B" (by the way, a real homage to Eggleston, I think) would of course have a different effect when softened ..... if you want it to ....

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