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  • Anonymous
    Great view and realisation; beautiful tension between the geometric surfaces. Fun to look at the photo in detailAstonished
  • thank you M., but I'd rather had some more diagonal line of the trottoir running a bit more over the half of the picture, towards the right.. then the tension would be more than now.
  • Anonymous
    As so often, I disagreePoint up️the pavement diagonal is a perfect counterpart to the diagonal of the roof of the house on the right. Both diagonals meet in an imaginary vertical line slightly to the left of the centre of the picture, creating a harmonious, yet tense guide for the viewer's eyeGrinningBut: you ask ten different photographers - you'll get at least five different opinions. In myEyesthe picture is just perfect!
  • thanks, I will upload a second photo later, were the sandbag left is totally in frame. First I choose that one, but later decided for this one; partly cut-off.. Curious what you find about that 2nd version qua composition. Thanks for your support/reaction again.
  • Anonymous
    I definitely prefer this oneRolling eyestotally different "story & geometry" .... but ... that doesn't mean anythingMan dancingonly my personal opinion ....

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