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  • Anonymous
    ..... Rob's going EgglestonBirdfabulous shot! I like it, while all the mainstreamers wonder " ...... uuhhoo .... why is he missing out the cat's head .... that can't be a good photograph ..... "!
  • This above is the whole negative, but I made even a little bit croped version, with front legs also cut of and right pole half visible.. Is even better I think. You wrote already your commend, so, I won't disturb that.. To get to "an image where every inch matters, not taking anything for granted", we must riks all we knew before. Once taken, no return possible..
  • " You may have even experienced it today.. ? is that, every once and a while, you completely come to your edge.. You come to the place where you know you're about to make a stepp.. Into what is it yet, not quite known to you.. You're just about to stepp over the edge. Just need to go a little bit further.. then we have ever before, in terms of how we percieve reality. It's basically going from being so dedicated and so habitualy commited to static way of percieving and thinking, to a fluïd, open way of percieving and thinking. But when we come to that edge, it brings up all of our fear " P. Chödrön

  • Anonymous
    Unfortunately, only very few are granted the opportunity to break out of their beliefs and ingrained habits and really take that step, described by Pema Chödrön. I think, this fact also explains - at least to a large extent - why only a few people make the breakthrough to lasting success in their personality development, rising above mediocrity .....

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