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I am an amateur photographer who fell into it as hobby via art therapy. I had a spell in my life when I suffered hugely from depression and anxiety and was set a challenge by my counselor to go out and take photos to share with the group working with the principles of CBT. I no longer suffer at all from anxiety or depression and feel my old Olympus O-M1 helped me on the way. My 35mm camera was beyond repair in 2011 so I attended a few years of night classes to aid my transition from film to digital. My move on camera bodies went from the OM1 to the EM5 and now the EM1. Due to cuts in funding the costs of night courses has gone up and without enough people willing or being able to afford the course they had to stop the next level of learning. Which although at the time seemed a shame I decided I wanted to make sure I still improved and I decided at the start of 2017 to take a "Portrait Per Day" of strangers to improve how I take photos un-prepared and to force myself to see the beauty in all the people I meet. In many ways Olympus is helping to power the dream of becoming a better photographer and put a smile on my face, and hopefully others faces too.
Camera | E-M5 M.ZUIKO Pro Kit Elite Black |
E-M1 Body Black | |
Lens | M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm 1:3.5-6.3 EZ Black |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 14-150mm 1:4.0-5.6 | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 EZ Pancake Black | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm 1:2.8 PRO | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 75-300mm 1:4.8-6.7 II Black | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm 1:2.8 Macro | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 25mm 1:1.2 PRO Black | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm 1:2.8 PRO | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 1.4x teleconverter MC-14 | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm 1:2.8 PRO | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm 1:4.0 IS PRO | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 17mm 1:1.8 Black | |
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