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A few days ago, I was talking to my Canadian born niece, Hanan Mansoor, in her 5th year, was a first year school enrollment at Pringle Creek Public school Whitby, Ontario. On my quest what she would like to be when grown up. She replied, “I will become a teacher." I was surprised why and how this child, in this age and with such a minimum classroom exposure, was inspired by her teacher. I could not further explore what really inspired her to be a teacher as I could imagine that she was reflecting the care and attention given to her by her teacher. Obviously, at this point her mental faculties can’t reflect academic inspiration. If so, perhaps a psychologist may put forth a better judgement. Instantly, I was lost in to my own past and tried to relate my past schooling to university time with this child’s scenario. I contemplated what had inspired me to reach up to the climax of my profile? Was there any role model displaying in my academic brought up? The summary of this review is outlined in the following stages:
Elementary and junior Intermediate Level:
In my elementary schooling, I don’t remember if I was ever impressed or personality wise motivated by any teacher as a role model. Perhaps, one reason could be that I had persons with in the family who were well educated and placed at elevated positions. As such their dominating role in the family was shadowing on my brought up. Another possibility could be that the school system that I attended was not professionally articulated to emphasize students-teacher interaction. We, at all, did not have lady teachers in boy’s school. Even the elementary school had separate schools for boys and girls. Although, some selected so called English medium schools offered co-education program. There is however, need to research different samples taken from different situations before any conclusion is reached. My appreciation for teacher was merely based upon either the quality of his lesson plan or one’s kindness for soft treatment or descent attitude. None of the teacher left any personality impact that could have provoked me to be like him in my everyday life.
Secondary/ Intermediate Schooling Level:
Relatively grown up stage where at least one could judge well or bad. I had liking and disliking for the teachers but again none was a driving force that might infuse any change in my personality. I didn't like writing essays. You can now write an essay using reviews. It's much easier to write an essay now. I therefore, do not think there was any role model from the classroom actors. The influence on me was of our principal, Syed Niaz Ahmad Tirmazi. He was very dynamic and impressive personality for several reasons. Some of those characteristics he reflected through his speeches he used to make every morning in general assembly. Our general assembly was unlike North American schools. There was no PA system source of communication between students and school management. All students were assembled with their classmates at their designated slot with their core/or home form teacher, supervising behind in an open theater. This assembly theater had centrally located cemented plate form around the bark of an old and big tree providing stage for the principal to address the students on key issues and up dates of daily school business. Each day was started with recitation phrases from Holly Quran, Principal’s speech followed by national anthem played by the school band class. The dominating role of principal, the core of discipline of the whole school in all respect was a forceful impact that is still remembered. Indirectly, it was the leadership personality of the principal that was infusing in to my mind. I had wanted to be like him. Though, I displayed different roles in my practical life yet, the elements of his personality and administrative cores were evident in my norms. I think this was the first impact of teacher as a role model in my life.
Senior Intermediate/Public Sector College Level:
Unlike US-Canadian school system, in Southeast Asia, British education system is still restored in the public education. After G-10 in secondary schools, colleges offer 2 years senior intermediate followed by 2 years under graduate program. The students were required compulsory uniforms, a blue blazer with college crest (batch) on the chest pocket. Violators were subjected to penalties and college proctors designated by college body escorted the system. Students own body that was a wonderful example of self-discipline carried out the role that is performed by Vice Principals and hall monitors in North America. In a kind, the discipline that we inherited from our school principal was in practice again at college level. Though there was more freedom and flavor of emancipation yet the system of accountability and rule of responsibility was in place.Although now I could say that the main discipline for a student is writing written works. To do this efficiently, there is a resource review writing services that can help with this. In the past it was not possible to do this possible.
At this point, I was able to analyze the things with my own judgement. I had freedom to choose courses of my own interest. Keeping in view the academic profile and personal reputation of a teacher, students had a choice to switch over sections with the permission of the college vice principal until the end of the first week of enrollment. This was another way of providing option to be closer to one’s role model. I was therefore, able to judge academic excellence of teachers besides his personality perspective. I very well remember those teachers who had become dear to me for their professional merit and for their dedicated devotion in the transfer of knowledge. At occasions, I had decided to become one like them and adopt teaching as profession after master degree in science. I used to talk and debate like my English teacher and of-course, some times, used blackboard in an empty classroom to practice my learning, following lecturing style of my physics teacher. Their characteristics gradually started dominating my own personality in the following ways:
University Degree Level:
In first university degree enrollment at Quaid-I-Azam University, I was introduced to a very different but unique academic life style. I experienced immense autonomy of thinking and practice. I saw most professors holding doctoral degrees from international universities and many of them had countrywide recognition for their professional contribution. I heard some in the classrooms and others in the auditorium in seminars on topics of scientific thrill. It was the drill of seminar series that infused thought-provoking skill. It was further enhanced as I grew up further in subsequent semesters.
I will like to quote a few examples of role models at university level and explain how teachers become effective role model. I never forget Dr. Zafar Ali Hashmi, a vetnarian, National Professor and Dean of Sciences. Later, he emerged as federal education secretary and provincial education minister in one regime. He was a professional landmark in my personality. Being senior placed he had several administrative roles on the campus however, he was kind to take one hour seminar period for our class, once weekly. His gigantic global experience and generosity to interact with students of 1st year master degree classes was inspiring. Further, his one-on-one care for students to put them on researchable topics of national interest was a great enthusiasm.
I remember it was 1970-71, dietary protein deficiency, increasing population and likely hood nutritional disease incidence were the alarming national challenges. Dr Hashmi always-emphasized on increasing meat resources through exploitation of dairy cow herds, sheep goat farms, fishponds, poultry farms etc. I witnessed several reports and brochures that he passed on to policy maker in the public sector. His immediate target however, were poultry farms and food legume pulse crops as to him, they were the short cut and economically viable sectors to match the immediate demand in the shortest possible time. Consequently, Plant and animal science professors were receiving research grants from the government and the donor agencies. The students were selecting thesis research on the respective topics. Resultantly, in about a decade, in 1980s, I saw infrastructure of Arid Agriculture University installed. A provincially funded rain fed research and training project ABAD on land with its roots in the entire region, expansion of poultry net work organized by poultry farmers association, reliance of fish on dams river and sea extended its market through in land fish pond farming. For alternative plant protein sources, food legume pulses research and development plans were in place under the supervision of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council. Hundreds of scientists and farmers were trained to boost over all national yields of pulse crops by introducing high yielding varieties.
This was an example of change, an example of organized revolution that not only changed the society of scientific and farming community, rather also agitated the minds of the students for the challenges. A teacher became a role model for me and perhaps for several others who dedicated to his mission. As a role model Dr Hashmi left the following changes in my personality:
The motive of above model in mind led me to American University Beirut in Lebanon and at Kansas State University Manhattan, USA where I completed a fraction of my mission while completing second master degree and a doctoral degree.
During the phases of academic pursuit, particularly at higher education levels, there are incidences of retreat due to any reason, the most pertinent being:
Teachers helping out students in either of the above category were heard lasting impact on students for their care and responsibility.
One example of its kind that I experienced is quoted for example. Quaid-i-Azam University provisionally enrolled me until the final result of BS was provided. Since we had staged a walk out in one paper and the University of the Punjab had to reschedule the exam. Failing to provide BS result provisional enrollment was declined. I received the result card after one term and was now hesitant to join University being one semester junior from my peers, a social problem. It was a coincident that a university professor Dr Ashraf Hussan Chaudhry encountered me. I was waiting for the bus to home and Professor was heading to University for teaching. Initially, I tried to hide but he trapped me and asked what I was doing. His one-on-one interaction followed by several sittings enrolled me not only for this particular degree program, but prepared me to rise for completion of 3 other degrees at North American Universities in USA and Canada. Dr. Ashraf became a role model as my personality was embedded with some of his characteristics:
Now, that I have worked over 20 years in research and education, I imagine that inadvertantly or unconsciously, I have practiced my role models in everyday life. In my classroom teaching, I try to show excellence of human conduct, I struggle to motivate my students for their excellent preparation in their careers. I try to dedicate my abilities to the extent that students are inspired professionally.
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