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Photo is my opportunity to escape into a mindful peaceful inner world.Winner Sony Word Photography Awards Sweden 2021
I started shooting in 1993 when I went backpacking with a friend in South America for a year. That trip changed my life and eventually led me from Israel to Sweden where I live since 1996. While traveling I didn't want to carry all the photocopies on my back so I sent the negatives home to be developed. As a result, I did not see my photos until about a year later. That's certainly a different creative process than the one we are used to today within digital photography, where the result is instant. At that point, I learned to wait for the right moment and imagine the image in my head before pressing the shutter. This way the images remained in my mind until this day.
This kind of conscious, mindful shooting is still my philosophy today. Slow-photo is also an integral part of my multi-exposure work inspired by the expressionist movement. The result is not immediate. Images will slowly be rediscovered during the post-editing process. My intention is to transmit my subjective experience to the viewer.
Camera | E-M5 Body Silver |
E-M5 Mark II Body Silver | |
E-M1 Mark III | |
OM-1 Body | |
Lens | M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm 1:4.0-5.6 R Silver |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 75-300mm 1:4.8-6.7 II Black | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm 1:2.8 PRO | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 1.4x teleconverter MC-14 | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm 1:2.8 Macro | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm 1:2.8 PRO | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm 1:2.8 PRO | |
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm 1:1.8 Black | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 17mm 1:1.2 PRO Black | |
M.Zuiko Digital 2x Teleconverter MC-20 | |
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO II | |
Member since |