I live in a small, northern town in Sweden called Sundsvall. It's located in a valley surrounded by forests. Here I work as an outdoor & lifestyle photographer. I try to lead a slow, mindful life rich with experiences, not things - enjoying the small things in life and going on close by adventures. Nature is what heals and inspires me and you can really feel the colors and textures of nature in my pictures. They're moody, warm and down to earth, kind of like autumn - which happens to be my favourite season.
My hope is to use my photography and online presence to tell stories that inspire others to spend time in the wonderful nature that we in Sweden are lucky enough to have very close at hand. As I've found my calling and my niche I've also curated clients who share my interests and love for nature, like Lundhags, High Coast Whisky, Naturkompaniet & Elles Utemat.
Besides photography I love foraging and cooking with wild food, bouldering, having good conversations by a fire, exploring craft beer and playing boardgames.
Live slow and stay wild! / Rania