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MyOMSYSTEM picture description and tags


  • you have such a broad choice to make off your snow photo's.. why this one ? You have more challenging pictures, is my opinion.. You can change the one posted and send a new one in.. ?
  • Спасибо роб за вопрос. Я вообще не хотел ничего публиковать. Я не претендую на признание. Просто Эиджан посоветовал её выставить на конкурс и оценил её в 4 звезды...
  • Anonymous
    Yes, I am "to blame", Rob! Once again you can see how much judgement has to do with personal taste. Personally, I think this picture is great. It is also very similar in structure to a classic by Cartier-Bresson, which shows the course of a road in a French landscape. But we have learned anyway that you can only win in this competition with a "particularly pleasing" picture. That's why we don't want to win at allGrinningdo we? But Rob, please be so kind and post the link to which of domino78's pictures you would favour. I really like to see your choice! Thank youSnowman2
  • Уважаемый Эиджан, не осыпайте себя пеплом, оно того не стоит. Я полностью согласен с тем, что в этом конкурсе победить не возможно, если ты не сын к примеру скажем, Ротшильдов, ну или Клинтонов.
  • Anonymous
    Grinningи все же я хотела бы знать, какая фотография нравится Робу больше, чем эта.
  • Эту тайну он оставит с собой...)))
  • M. and D. there is not such as 'blame' or shame, or guild. Right or wrong.. There is only exchange in subject. There is no 'objective right'. So we can learn each others perspectives and points of view.., taste, direction. Nothing more, nothing less. No one better than the other. So I don't want to feed and evoke a discussion. Leave it up to Domino. There are 12 likes already.. So my point of view is not the general. On the other hand Domino has pictures with more stars.. And I give him credit for his consistent work. Nice to know that CB has a similar sort of picture.

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