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The World Oceans Day 2020

Innovation for a sustainable Ocean: Topic of the year
If you’re a diver, snorkeler or just love being at the beach we invite you to comment on your experiences
and share your thoughts on this emotive issue for your chance to win one of the three fabulous prizes on offer.

See the thoughts of Thomas Van Puymbroeck below, one of our ambitious underwater photography visionaries, who is very passionate about this subject.

Conservation versus consumption… that’s the question

Worldwide our oceans and their inhabitants are currently under enormous pressure. Human population is growing and so is our need for food.
Historically only 100 years ago there were plenty of fish in our oceans, but now it’s getting critical for some species. For example: each year 100 million sharks are hunted and killed, mostly for their fins. If we want a sustainable ocean full of fish, we need those sharks because everything is linked together in the food chain of life. If you skim from the top of the food pyramid - the sharks - everything below will simply collapse.
But there is hope: more and more people are starting to realize the benefits of a healthy ocean: numerous approved sanctuaries are growing to preserve nature’s delicate equilibrium.

Thomas Van Puymbroeck • PEN E-PL1 • M.ZUIKO Digital ED 12-50mm F3.5-5.6 • PT-EP01 

If you protect a certain area of the ocean through a sanctuary it allows the fish to thrive, breed and explore the wider ocean, often returning to the safety of the sanctuary to breed again. Only after allowing a couple of generations to breed uninterrupted should we be allowed to fish again, otherwise we run the risk of overfishing with the very real danger of whole species becoming extinc.

This is what is happening now in certain sanctuaries with the shark population. Having protected a section of reef the whole eco system is getting a second chance, with smaller fish returning and attracting even smaller macro life. Once this begins it can expand to other reefs and underwater life will start to thrive again. This all stems from the observation of sharks at the top of the food chain.

Thomas Van Puymbroeck • OM-D E-M1 Mark II • M.Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO • PT-EP14

With the ecological systems all being interlinked, by protecting the oceans we humans benefit alongside the sub marine life. Former fishermen change professions to become wildlife protectors defending the seas against poachers and ensuring divers and tourists understand the rules of the ocean and gain maximum enjoyment from the waters they explore.

Thomas Van Puymbroeck • OM-D E-M1 Mark II • M.Zuiko Digital ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO • PT-EP14

Now that the success of these sanctuaries is growing, divers and underwater photographers are willing to pay large fees for access to visit the ever increasingly beautiful wildlife. It is therefore vitally important that we ensure the funds continue to be used to regenerate the great conservation work being undertaken. This way everybody wins, from the local communities to the amazing underwater world that we enjoy as divers or just from admiring the fabulous photography we can appreciate here.

By supporting the conservation work in the sanctuaries this way I am sure that our ocean eco system will thrive and we can sustain the fishing industry too.

Author and Photographer: Thomas Van Puymbroeck

What is your experience with the Ocean?

To mark this very special day, we invite you to participate in this year’s raffle
celebrating our glorious oceans.

  • First prize is the Olympus Tough TG-6 Snorkeling Photography Kit.
  • Second prize is our great Tough Adventure Pack.
  • Third prize is the super practical TankH2O drink bottle.

What to do:
If you are not signed up yet as a MyOlympus user, quickly click here, register and refresh your browser or click here after signing up. If you are already a MyOlympus user, log in here.

Take a moment to think about your own experiences with the ocean.

Share with us your most memorable moment using your Olympus Tough (or any other Olympus cameras) on the beach, from a boat or underwater and simply give this article a like and comment under this blogpost before June 22, 2020 --> raffle is closed !

Please view our Terms & Conditions


  • Aun no tengo experiencias submarinas, me falta el equipo. A ver si llega pronto.
  • My best underwater moment. Summer of 2019. Unfortunately the last day in Egypt. In the morning at 5:30am I went to the Coraya Bay for the last time to snorkel. When I was in the water I noticed the restlessness on the platform. The attending People saw something in the distance. Because of the rising sun i could not see anything. But suddenly. Dolphins under me. A whole school just for me. About 5 minutes the wonderful animals swam around me. Afterwards they moved on. An unforgettable experience for me.
  • That must be that time at Gili Gede where a green turtle has been swimming with me for about half an hour. Or maybe that huge morea eel I met at Thelu Veliga. Oh wait, what about when I came across that black tip on Koh Tao. This match is too difficult, so many memorable moments. And luckily always had that handy little tg5 with me ;-)
  • Together with our TG 860 we are diving in the Mediterranean Sea near Pylos, Peleponnes, I always have the feeling that The sea water is the medium I belong to, the Olympus Tough camera is is the very welcome partner taking pictures in these moments.....
  • It was in Carthage in Tunisia, I grabbed the rope of a buoy and went to the bottom, I do not practice scuba diving. When I got there I was in the bottom enough to let go and be able to walk. And I find myself surrounded by colorfull minnows that looked at me with the same curiosity with which I looked at them. I lost the conciousness of the time, until I realize that I am short of breath, I kick hard and I go out shot upwards, I thought that it did not go to arrive, and when I get closer to the surface I see that, from under, the surface of the sea it is like a mirror, an absolute beauty!
  • Will never forget, how I went snorkeling with my Olympus TG-1 at Place of Refuge HI and discovered a pack of dolphins in the deep, barely visible in the blue ocean beneath me. Still got that picture, though!
  • Mi mejor momento con una cámara en el mar fue con mi Olympus E-520 en las islas del guano en Paracas (Perú). Miles de pájaros sobre nuestras cabezas, en medio del mar... Increíble. Fuimos "víctimas" directas del guano cayendo del cielo...
  • Son muchas , pero en la memoria siempre estará la primera inmersión nocturna, la cantidad de vida que hay bajo el mar nada más ponerse el sol. Lastima que mi vieja u720 no pudiera captar mejor esos recuerdos, por eso la TG-6 me vendría genial.
  • My most memorable moment was snorkelling with whale sharks in the Maldives. Luckily I had my Olympus XZ-1 and housing with me so was able to capture the moment!
  • Making pictures of breeding undervater pic with my TG-5 was very exiting.
  • Jedes Jahr Ägypten-Rotes Meer- hoffentlich ist bald wieder alles offen???
  • Night snorkelling with Manta rays in Hawaii with my trusty gold myu 790, sadly no longer waterproof. It took excellent photos.
  • Snorkelling in the Red Sea in Egypt when I was a teenager, it was so beautiful...something out of a film! We then heard all this shouting and commotion. A lionfish that was asleep near the pier had awoken and all the lifeguards were pulling us out of the water. Lionfish have venomous fin rays which are extremely painful and can cause temporary paralysis, and in rare cases even death! Being a care-free teenager and not knowing this information at the time, it was very exciting! The lionfish was beautiful... I wish I had my camera with me to capture it! I did get lots of beautiful pictures of the coral reefs though, using my Olympus Tough TG-1, and even one of a young swordfish!
  • Ich habe in der Ostsee vor Dänemark geschnorchelt, bin mit meiner Kamera einigen Fischschwärmen gefolgt, traf natürlich auch jede Menge Ohrenquallen. Einige von ihnen fühlten sich geradezu magisch angezogen von meinem Objektiv und schienen fast davor zu posieren. So konnte ich in aller Ruhe die filigrane Struktur dieser Tiere im Gegenlicht fotografisch studieren.
  • Ich war letzten Oktober mit meiner Tochter im Roten Meer schnorcheln, da schwammen plötzlich mehrere Delphine unter uns her. Damit hatten wir nicht gerechnet und waren total begeistert, das wir mal mehr sahen als die Taucher. Unvergesslich

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